Purpose of the Planning Advisory Committee (PAC)
The purpose of the Planning Advisory Committee (PAC) is to provide advice and recommendations to Council with respect to a wide range of matters related to land use, development and community planning, including Municipal Plan Amendments, rezoning of property, zone amendments, and subdivisions. In addition, the committee acts as the approving authority for the majority of significant variances.
The Planning Advisory Committee is made up of 8 members from the community, which may include members of council or employees of the Town. The Director of Development and Planning serves as the technical advisor to the Planning Advisory Committee.
The current members of PAC are as follows:
- Peter Kavanagh- Chair
- Marlene Hassard-Vice Chair
- John Morrison
- Sarah Leech
- Garth McCrea
- Kurt Young
- John Slipp
- Councillor Jeff Bradbury
- Councillor Will Belyea
Regular meetings of PAC are held on the third Monday of every month, except in December when the regular monthly meeting may be held on the second Monday. If a holiday falls on the third Monday, the meeting will be moved to the next day. Meetings are cancelled if there are no items on the agenda to discuss, or if a quorum cannot be met.
Interested in becoming a member of PAC? Application at bottom of page.