Taste of Winter-WSC

Taste of Winter-WSC


Community Events
The Woodstock Skating Club will offer a “Taste of Winter” at 6 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 11, as it hosts a fundraising dinner at the AYR Motor Centre in Woodstock.

Club treasurer Tara Ketch explained the dinner is designed to deliver funds to help it continue offering the CanSkate program at a reasonable price to local families.

Ketch said the club currently features 60 participants in the CanSkate program, 15 Powerskate players and almost 20 Star 1 to Gold figure skaters.

Tickets for the four-course fundraising dinner, with Susan Hayden donating the catering for the event, are $50 each. To purchase tickets, contact wskatingclub@outlook.com.

The evening will include a silent auction featuring a generous collection of gifts and services.