When:Community Events
Upcoming Event Sponsored by Woodstock Old Home Week!
Carleton County Residents! No sense in staying cooped up when you could be outside. We aren’t even asking you to go far, just the yard.
Take part in Frostscapes by turning your yard into a piece of art. Get creative and build sculptures for a chance to win prizes in the following categories: Most Creative, Most Humorous and Most Canadian. We also have a bonus category for kids under 12!
Make sure we get a picture of you and your masterpiece by February 14th. Photos can be sent to oldhomeweekcommittee@gmail.com.
Time to enjoy the season, get some fresh air and have fun!
Carleton County Residents! No sense in staying cooped up when you could be outside. We aren’t even asking you to go far, just the yard.
Take part in Frostscapes by turning your yard into a piece of art. Get creative and build sculptures for a chance to win prizes in the following categories: Most Creative, Most Humorous and Most Canadian. We also have a bonus category for kids under 12!
Make sure we get a picture of you and your masterpiece by February 14th. Photos can be sent to oldhomeweekcommittee@gmail.com.
Time to enjoy the season, get some fresh air and have fun!